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Welcome to Part 2 of our investor facts series. If you missed part 1, (you can check it out here) this is the series in which we explore 29 factors that directly affect diamond price, apart from the 4Cs of course.

While the 4Cs are the main contributing factors to a stone’s beauty, rarity, and value; there are multiple other nuances that also play a significant role in the stone's overall value.

So without further delay, here are 10 additional factors (numbers 11 through 20) that directly affect a diamond’s value!

For additional reading, you can find part 1 here, and part 3 here.

11. A Parallel Table and Girdle

As you might have noticed, symmetry and ratios play a very important role when determining the value of a diamond. If the table and girdle are not on parallel planes, the lack of symmetry can lead to reduced light performance, and therefore beauty (and price.) Note: nonparallel tables and girdles will affect the angle of the crown mentioned earlier.

12. The Shape of the Facets

Facets essentially act as mirrors and windows that allow light to travel and be refracted through the diamond. It is therefore important that they are given a specific shape that is maintained throughout the gem. If any of these facets is misshaped, it will cause light to be refracted incorrectly, thus taking away from a diamond's beauty, and therefore its value.

13. Facets Not Properly Pointed

The ideal facet shape and placement should create a point where each intersects, thus maximizing scintillation. If a facet side is flattened, it will result in reduced ability to refract light, and therefore sparkle, causing a price discount.

14. Having Extra Facets

Sometimes, in an attempt to cover an imperfection, cutters might add an additional facet. While this might indeed conceal a problematic area, it also directly affects a diamond’s symmetry and ability to refract light in an optimal way.

15. The Shape of the Table Must Be a Perfect Octagon

Be it a brilliant, a princess, an oval, or even a heart cut diamond, the table is most often octagonal. Misshaped tables lead to misshapen facets, and as we saw above, unsymmetrical diamonds have sub-optimal light performance.

16. The Outline of the Girdle

The outline of the girdle should be the exact shape and perfect fit for the cut of the diamond. Once again, if the outline is not perfectly symmetrical (and fitting) it will undermine the diamond’s ability to refract light, leading to price discounts.

17. Perfect Crown and Pavilion Alignment

The crown and the pavilion of a diamond must be perfectly aligned. Misalignment might cause the stone to look distorted, thus causing improper light refraction. Of course, the greater the twist, the larger the impact on the diamond's beauty, and therefore its price.

18. Waves in the Girdle

Facets need to be perfectly angled to properly meet the girdle. Failure to do so by cutters will result in a wavy look on the girdle, reducing the stone’s beauty and ability to refract light optimally.

19. The Existence Natural Inclusions

Natural inclusions, also known as “naturals” are areas on the diamonds body that have the stone’s initial rough (unpolished) surface. Sometimes these inclusions are left along the gem’s girdle allowing for greater carat weight. The extra weight from the naturals does not make a significant difference to the stone’s perceived size, but it will add to its price.

20. The Quality of the Surface Polish

The final product we see has undergone numerous cutting and polishing sessions to be transformed from its initial rough appearance. In order for a diamond to show its true beauty, it must be polished to be smooth, with a surface that glistens. Usually, the level of the polish is ranked on the existence (or lack thereof) of imperfections on the outer surface of the gem under 10x magnification.

This concluded Part 2 of our series. Stay tuned for Part 3 coming soon. Until then if you have any questions please feel free to let us know! And as always feel free to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more interesting diamond and investment facts check out the links below:

price of colored diamonds